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2018 a year of change for home-birth in Ireland?

Midwife Nanni

Happy New Year to everyone. I took a bit of a break and spend Christmas in Germany for the first time in 4 years.While the weather was not great it was lovely to unite with my family. Now back in Ireland I am preparing for yet another year as a home-birth midwife with my 10 year anniversary as a midwife coming up at the end of March. Unbelievable that it has been so long and amazing which path I went after only planning to be in Ireland for a maximum of 2 years!

I finished my training for Hypnobirthing classes at the end of the year and will be able to integrate this into my antenatal education, as well as offering them stand alone. I am exited to see how it will influence my practice.

In regards to the plans of the maternity strategy we are not entirely sure where the service is going to go this year. Hospitals having introduced electronic charts, new guidelines for the home-birth service, attempts to integrate care with the GP's and many other changes, we will have to find ways to make it work for all the care providers while keeping up the standard of care for all the clients. The maternity strategy has plans to integrate us into hospital services but we all still have to put our heads together and see how that can be done without compromising the services, we are currently offering. You can see there is a lot of shifting but be assured we have the woman and babies at heart and speaking for myself can only say there will be no compromise that will effect the care I am providing. At the moment we are continuing to work as SECM's and book woman for home-birth under the HSE home-birth scheme as self-employed midwives. I will keep you updated if there is any change to this scheme.

There is still a few places for a home-birth free in some parts of the first half of 2018 so get in touch and see if I can help you to have the birth you wish for. Even if home-birth is not for you I might be able to help through antenatal acupuncture for birth preparation, antenatal classes, postnatal and breastfeeding support or guide you into the direction you need, for you to achieve an empowered birth.

I am really looking forward to this year and hope the service will grow and improve, even if it has to move into another direction.

I will help you with any questions as good as I can, so please don't hesitate to contact me.

With the warmest wishes for all of you following my blog.


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