Midwife Nanni
Midwifery care and antenatal classes

More information
If you suffer from any of the problems listed below or you want to prepare for birth, I offer home visits for your acupuncture. Just get in touch with your needs and we can discuss what kind of treatment you would require. I highly recommend acupuncture as a meassure of antenatal preparation. Why don"t you combine it with a set of antenatal classes? Get in touch.
My treatments include
Hyperemesis gravidarum
Emotional instability
Moxabustion for breech presentation
Antenatal birth preparation
Engourged and painful breasts
Problems with lactation
Beginning mastitis
Aches and pains
beginning Hypertension
All treatments can only help additionally and do not replace medical treatment if that is indicated!
My service includes
Full midwifery-led care for normal, low risk pregnancy
Advise on: healthy nutrition in pregnancy and keeping active in pregnancy
Emotional support
Postnatal Care
Advise on carrying your baby
Newborn care
Breastfeeding support
Natural Vaginal Birth
Advise on Optimal Maternal-Fetal Postioning
Acupuncture and Homeopathy
If you are looking for a homebirth and you have a low risk pregnancy I will be able to offer you a full midwifery-led homebirth package. It includes all the services listed below and will be designed to your needs. Contact me with your dates and details to see if I am available for you.
Information about pregnancy, labour and birth and the postnatal period including breatfeeding
Introduction to relaxation techniques
Breathing and positioning excercises
Lifestyle advise for a healthy pregnancy
Partner preparation
Education and practice on Hypnobirthing techniques to use antenatal and in labour
My antenatal classes are based on a holistic approach to pregnancy and birth. I believe that a healthy lifestyle, good preparation and understanding of the process and a good connection with your body are key to having a baby. I have qualified as a Hypnobirthing trainer in 2017 and can offer to include this learning module into your antenatal classes if it is something you want to use.